Tuesday, July 28 : Well, the jet engine tests at the Airbase stopped for the night, but the strong wind and rain didn't... It was still drizzling when we took off in the morning for a little trip to Inverness. We had decided to stay in Lossiemouth for a few days so we could cruise the area without all our luggage and camping gear being tied to our bikes.
We rode the small backroads along the shores of the Moray Firth when around Nairn it stopped raining for a while, at least long enough so we could visit Fort George without being rained on.We reached Inverness and just walked through the city for a while. I bought myself a pair of waxcotton pants to keep the rain off my leathers, and in an outdoor shop Ernst and I made a pretty good deal on a nice new tent. We'd be very happy about this deal later, us sitting safe and sound inside our new home, while a heavy thunder storm was raging outside that would've ripped our old tent into bits and pieces.
Later in the afternoon we left Inverness again to do some more riding. But shortly after, heavy rain poured down on us again, so we just rode back to Lossiemouth, got out of the rain gear and into the local pub to celebrate Martin's birthday :-)
The place we went to wasn't only a pub but a steakhouse too, and steaks seemed to be the perfect dinner (aren't they always? ;-) Unfortunately(?) I'd forgotten my conversion table, so figuring out the right size of the steak was kinda difficult. I for myself decided to be better safe than sorry and ordered the biggest they had, and 40oz doesn't really sounded that big at all... (for all you metrical inclined people like me, 40 ounzes converts to 1134 gramm)
Well, it took quite a few pints to wash down that hugh piece of beef  :-)