
Ernst and I have been on the road for 27 days and accumulated 7990km (4965mls) during this trip. Except for the rain induced problems on my scoot, a leaky fork and a broken headlight bulb on Ernst's E-Glide, and a centerstand that almost fell off of Martin's Guzzi, the bikes had run flawlessly.
Of course we're especially proud of Ernst's E-Glide, since we had finished it's rebuild only a few days before we took off for this trip.

We enjoyed it tremendously to be out on the road again and meet so many fine people everywhere. Despite the bad weather during the second half it was still a great vacation. Of course, next time I'm travelling in Scotland, I'd make sure to pack my warm underwear ;-)

Well, I hope y'all enjoyed this trip report as much as I did writing it and at the same time being able to relive the whole trip.

Keep the rubber side down!!