Wednesday, August 05 : Audry's breakfast turned out to be as great as everything else at the Nightingale's, and after we had said goodbye to her and Fred, we continued our travel.
We left Rempstone in an eastern direction towards Melton Mowbray, from where the A606 led us to the A1 motorway. We cruised A1 south to Huntingdon, turned onto the A14 for a few miles until we reached Godmanchester and continued from there on the A1198 towards Royston.
With every mile that we went further south, the weather improved a little bit. By the time we reached Royston we were cruising along in nice sunshine and so we stayed on the small backroads all afternoon. When we arrived in the Harlow vicinity, we believed that we've left the bad weather behind us for good, and so we decided to stay at the campground in Roydon again, where we had spent our first night in the UK, almost two weeks ago.
That actually turned out as a good decision. When we unpacked and pitched our tents, there still was about a gallon of rain from Ardgartan in each of'em, and they smelled kinda strange already. But after they've been exposed to the sun and light breeze for an hour, they both were dry again.
We spent the evening in that pub we remembered so well, toasting to a partially rainy but still great vacation of which we've almost reached the end. We've been booked for the Friday 10am Hovercraft and all that was left to do for the next day was the short ride to Dover.
Thursday, August 06 : We slept kinda long this morning but the sun burning down from a clear blue sky forced us out of our tents. We walked over to the breakfast place for some eggs and coffees, went back to our tents and just enjoyed the sun burning down onto our pale bodies for a while. Around noon we finally packed our stuff and took off for Dover. There wasn't a lot of traffic on the motorways and after an uneventful ride we arrived there at 4pm. We discussed our further proceedings for a while and agreed to check if we could get onto a Hovercraft this afternoon already. Well, we could, so we boarded the 5pm flight and disembarked in Calais 45 minutes later. Now that we've gone that far, the idea of spending at least a few hours of the night in our own beds just sounded to good, so we just filled up our tanks, hit the road, locked the throttles at 130km/h and via Belguim and the Netherlands we roared back to Germany. Shortly before midnight we saw the lights of our hometown McDonalds were we stopped for a farewell dinner, and at 1am I was back home, put the bike into the garage and crashed into my bed...