Saturday, August 01 : After having enjoyed a huge breakfast we said good bye to Edna and Alfred and continued along the coast of the Isle of Skye in the same nasty weather like the day before. Except it had gotten a few degrees colder again... We followed the road along the northern tip of the island where we visited the ruins of Duntulm Castle, went around the Lochs Snizort Beag and Greshornish, passed Dunvegan, Sligachan and Bradfort and finally turned onto the small road that led down to Ardvasar. There we arrived just in time to get onto the ferry to Mallaig on the scottish main land. To our amazement the rain had stopped a while ago, big chunks of blue sky had become visible and it was great to feel warm and comfortable for a change :-)
From Mallaig we took the (only available road) A830 and had a very nice ride along the Loch Eil. In Fort William we had to find out that all the campgrounds were booked, but finally we found a huge one where we could get in. But we still had problems to find us a spot until we found a big nice green with lots of space that cars didn't had access to. Well, we could access it and so we pitched our tents there, only to find out later that this area was reserved for hikers ONLY! Ooopss... that's why we got all those angry looks  ;-)