Tuesday, July 21 : Since we had made quite some kilometers the last day, we decided to have an easy one this day. We left Agen continuing on the N113, passed Bordeaux in the east and continued to La Rochelle, where early in the afternoon we found a nice campground. We did our laundry, wrote some postcards, had dinner and some beers.
We were that lazy, we didn't even took a single picture :-)

Wednesday, July 22 :  The night before, Ernst and I had decided that we'd do another long day of riding so we'd reach the area of Le Havre at the french Channel Coast. That would leave us plenty of time for the remaining leg to Calais, where we had to be on friday at 2pm latest for our 3pm Hovercraft to the UK. So off we went, and via Angers, Le Mans and  Rouen we reached Fecamp, right at the coast. Searching for a campground we ended up in Yport which turned out to be almost deserted... all the restaurants we went to wouldn't serve us anymore because they wanted to close at 8pm!!! Finally we found some kinda fastfood place right at the beach, were at least we got something to eat.

Thursday, July 23 : During the night the nice weather had dissapeared and heavy rains had made it pretty tough to get our scoots out of the mud which had build around our tent. That day we just cruised along the cost, around noon the weather lightened up and by the time we reached Valerie, it was nice and sunny again.
 We were really lucky that day, because the campground we stayed at had a Karaoke night. Well, we were lucky because despite the host's greatest efforts to get the two of us up front for a song, we still managed to hold on to our chairs, table and beers   ;-)